Regenerate & Heal, Naturally


Over the last decade, Dr. Sabrina Solt has created the most comprehensive approach to healing chronic pain and injuries, reversing aging, and allowing you to feel your best.


If you’re finally ready to heal, you’ve come to the right place. We can’t wait to work with you! 

Fast Recovery

No Down Time


You shouldn’t have to experience pain and all the daily struggles that come with it.

Stem cell therapy allows you to get back to doing the things you love, on your terms.

Maybe This Sounds Familiar...


At one point or another, you experienced an accident or an injury that really set you back. Perhaps it was even a medical error, or something else entirely. But, since then, your condition has not seemed to improve, despite you getting all the “proper” care.

Maybe this looked like taking the prescribed pain medications, getting cortisone shots, trying newer and stronger drugs when the original ones didn’t work or stopped working, or searching the endless abyss of the internet for alternative therapies that didn’t do much.

Maybe you even pursued surgery, only to have that not help your pain at all, or for it to come back. Or, perhaps you’re trying to avoid surgery in the first place (excellent choice).

We know all of this because this is what we see (and help) every day.

We help people just like you are who are looking for something that will actually heal their pain and injuries at their root causes, so they can get back to doing life on their terms.

But don’t just take our word for it, hear from some of our satisfied clients:

Stem cell therapy is the easiest way to go from living in pain, dependent on prescription medications, and needless suffering, to getting back your freedom and the level of health you know you deserve.

Your First Step To A Pain Free & Active Life Begins Today

You shouldn’t have to waste years of your life being sick, in pain, or unable to do the things you enjoy.

You’re just one phone call away from finding out just how easy and effective it is to use stem cells to heal.

It’s time to go back to living a life you love.

Click the link below and schedule your initial call with one of our providers.


Step 1: Fill Out Our Online Form


Step 2: Speak With An Experienced Doctor


Step 3: We Will Assess If Stem Cell Treatment Is Right For You


Step 4: We Build Your Customized Treatment Plan


Step 5: Start Feeling Better